
The 30 Day Mental Diet

  Let’s say you went into your Doctors office and had some tests done to make sure your body is working properly. If your Doctor discovers that you are lacking vitamins and minerals, or you are underweight or overweight, he would probably suggest a change in your diet to best meet your nutritional needs. We all know how important it… Read more →

The Garden of Your Mind

Written by: Jenna Summer time ushers in some of the best produce of all the seasons.  There is nothing better than snacking on a scrumptious strawberry that needs no sugar because it’s already so sweet.  In the lazy summer days of my youth, my best friend and I would rummage through her backyard for the blackberries that lined her back… Read more →

Hope on. Journey on.

Welcome and thank you for joining us! We are so thrilled to start this journey with you! We have dedicated many years to exploring human nature, human connection, self love, positive thinking, balance, mental, physical, spiritual health, present moment living,  and finding peace of mind.  We are 4 sisters and we have a deep desire to assist and help others… Read more →