Get Up and Move




“Exercise not only tones the muscles, but refines the brain and revives the soul.”

-Michael Treanor

It’s time to Move.  Your body needs it.  Your mind and soul need it too.  Exercise is essential to healthy living.  I have never liked going to the gym.  I have always worked out by myself at home.  No one else needs to see me sweaty and disgusting while working out but me, at least that was the old me.  My kids fight Brazilian Jiujitsu, and last May they decided to have a Women’s Boot Camp class for the Mom’s that were waiting there while their kids class was going on. Initially, I only did the class because I felt like I had to.  I would be sitting there anyways, and I didn’t really have a good excuse as to why I couldn’t do it.  It was 3 days a week, an hour long class, for one month.  I was so proud when I made it to the end of the month.  But, I realized that I was kind of starting to really like it. Once the initial shock of wanting to throw up and pass out was over, it made me feel awesome that I was accomplishing this boot camp.  They decided to make it a permanent class, and I have gone ever since.  I can honestly say, it has become my favorite past time. I have more energy, I’ve lost weight, and I feel more toned than before I had kids.  I’ve also met amazing friends through the class too.  

Exercise for me is such a mental thing.  Mentally is makes me feel happier, less stressed, and helps me achieve a more positive state of mind. The key to exercise is to try out all sorts of different things that interest you.  If you can find things that keep your motivation and excitement up, then you set yourself up for success in trying to stay fit.  Try to exercise with friends.  Friends are a great motivator, and they make it a lot more fun. Think outside of the box for you, and don’t be afraid to try new exercises.  Who cares if you sweat like a pig, throw up in the trash can, or pass out on the floor! That just means that you just worked your butt off, and you are getting stronger and stronger.  

This weekend, get out and move. Your body will thank you, and your mind will thank you too.

If you have time for Facebook, you have time for exercise :)

Hope On. Journey On.


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