There are a handful of quick and easy things you can do to boost your mood instantly! This is one of my favorites. Take an orange or any other citrus and cut it in half, then take a big whiff of that powerful smell and voila! This is something that I do often and it is that simple. I don’t… Read more →
Tag Archive for Thought
Take the Limits off Your Beliefs
I grew up with an incredible family. I was blessed with parents that loved me and 6 siblings that I have always been close to and have always admired. Our financial situation however was not so wonderful. We got kicked out of houses often and moved multiple times before I went off to college. We had little to no money… Read more →
You Are All You Need
How many of us actually have real, true self confidence? Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe that you can attain all of the goals you want to accomplish in your life? Are you always building yourself up, or bringing yourself down? Do you constantly tell others how amazing they are, yet ignore how amazing you are? Are you… Read more →
Journaling’s Healing Benefits
After we lost our baby Beckham,the doctors told us exactly what we would have to do when we wanted to have another baby. They never did figure out if we lost Beckham because I may possibly have an incompetent cervix, or if the infection that I had put me into labor. I will never forget the room full of doctors… Read more →
The 30 Day Mental Diet
Let’s say you went into your Doctors office and had some tests done to make sure your body is working properly. If your Doctor discovers that you are lacking vitamins and minerals, or you are underweight or overweight, he would probably suggest a change in your diet to best meet your nutritional needs. We all know how important it… Read more →