Citrus Mood Lifter

There are a handful of quick and easy things you can do to boost your mood instantly! This is one of my favorites. Take an orange or any other citrus and cut it in half, then take a big whiff of that powerful smell and voila! This is something that I do often and it is that simple. I don’t think it is a coincidence that oranges are ripe in the winter. They are meant to bring vibrancy and color to our lives (especially during a dull or dark winter)  with their bright colors and zesty taste. :) After you smell it, of course go ahead and eat it if you’d like. Oranges are known for being packed with vitamin C, which sends oxygen through out your body for an opportunity to recharge that system of yours. 

Try not to get discouraged about the idea of having to take giant steps towards happiness. It is almost always a good idea to start with simplicity, such as smelling and eating an orange. Allow that small act of smelling an orange bring you to the present moment. Take a deep breathe of gratitude and remind yourself that you are in the here and now, and that is the best place to be. 

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Hope On.

Journey On






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